Python API
Base Agent API Docs

A BaseAgent class that serves as a foundation for creating agent objects in an artificial intelligence context using Redis OM and the MessengerMixin class from sotopia.messages. The BaseAgent class takes in agent name, UUID or profile information during initialization and allows setting and retrieving of agent goals.



Initializes an agent with its name and profile, provides a goal property for setting objectives, and defines abstract methods for taking actions (act) and asynchronous action (aact). The reset method resets the inbox, and the MessengerMixin is inherited to handle messaging functionality.



Initializes an agent object by setting its profile and name based on provided arguments. It retrieves the profile from a database or sets it manually if UUID or agent name is given respectively, then assigns a default goal and model_name.


  • agent_name: str | None, default = None Optional by default, allowing for a custom agent name to be provided if neither uuid_str nor agent_profile is specified.

  • uuid_str: str | None, default = None Optional by default (set to None). It specifies an existing agent's UUID string used for retrieval from the database if it exists.

  • agent_profile: AgentProfile | None, default = None Used to initialize an instance of an agent with existing information from a database. If provided, it is stored as the 'profile' attribute.


agent = BaseAgent(agent_name="John Doe", agent_profile=AgentProfile(first_name="Jane", last_name="Doe"))
assert agent.agent_name == "Jane Doe"
    agent = BaseAgent(uuid_str="invalid_uuid")
except ValueError as e:
    assert str(e) == "Agent with uuid invalid_uuid not found in database"


  • profile: AgentProfile|None Populated based on whether a valid agent_name, uuid_str or agent_profile object is provided during instantiation. It stores information about the agent, including their name and identifier.

  • agent_name: str|None Populated from one of three sources:

    • When agent_profile is provided, it is set to a string concatenating the agent's first name and last name.
    • When uuid_str is provided, it attempts to fetch the corresponding AgentProfile object from the database and then sets the attribute in the same way as above.
    • If neither of the above conditions is met, an assertion error is raised unless an agent_name value is explicitly passed in the constructor.
  • _goal: str|None Initialized to None by default. It can be set using the @property goal.setter. It represents a goal associated with the agent, which must be set before it can be accessed or returned by methods.

  • model_name: str Initialized to an empty string "". It does not have a setter method, suggesting it's intended as an immutable attribute for storing the name of the agent's model.



Returns the goal attribute as a string, asserting that it has been set prior to use. This ensures that the goal is not None before attempting to access or return its value.


  • str A string representing the current goal of an object. It can be accessed like an attribute but is implemented as a property for additional functionality.


agent = BaseAgent(agent_name="John Doe")
agent.goal = "Obtain food"
assert agent.goal == "Obtain food"


Sets and updates the agent's goal property. It takes a string argument, goal, and assigns it to the instance variable _goal. This allows the agent to store and manage its goals. The method does not return any value or raise exceptions.


  • goal: str Required to be provided when calling this function because it has no default value specified. It represents the target or objective being set.


base_agent = BaseAgent()
base_agent.goal = "learn to navigate"