Python API
Xml Renderer

XML Renderer for Background, Goal, Observation, etc.

This module provides functionality for rendering XML based on different contexts. It includes a helper function _render_xml and a class XMLRenderer.

Class: XMLRenderer


XMLRenderer is utilized for rendering XML strings in various contexts. It can parse XML strings and handle errors associated with XML syntax.


__init__(self) -> None

Constructor to initialize the XMLRenderer object. Sets up the XML parser.

__call__(self, xml_string: str, context: RenderContext = RenderContext()) -> str

Renders the given XML string according to the provided render context.

  • Parameters:

    • xml_string (str): The XML content to be rendered.
    • context (RenderContext, optional): The context which determines how XML should be rendered. Defaults to an empty RenderContext.
  • Returns:

    • str: The rendered XML content based on the specified context.

Helper Function

_render_xml(xml_node: etree._Element | str, context: RenderContext) -> str

Renders an XML node recursively based on the viewer type specified in the context.

  • Parameters:

    • xml_node (etree._Element | str): The XML element or string content to be rendered.
    • context (RenderContext): The context which defines rendering rules.
  • Returns:

    • str: The rendered content as a string.

Usage Example

from mymodule import XMLRenderer, RenderContext
renderer = XMLRenderer()
context = RenderContext(viewer="human", tags_to_render=["goal", "observation"])
xml_string = """
    <goal>Achieve world peace</goal>
    <observation viewer="agent_1">Enemy spotted</observation>
    <observation>Clear skies</observation>
rendered_output = renderer(xml_string, context)

In this example, the XMLRenderer is instantiated, a rendering context is created, and an XML string is rendered based on the given context.